

Our stories unite our past, present and future selves. Providing the foundations from which we can fly.
When others speak for us, at best our stories are miss-told, and at worst we are rendered silent

Our stories within are our power

Knowing our story, owning it, gives us the strength to move towards our goals

– but with an appreciation of the resources within us.



At Laura Serrant Limited we are Leadership Development and Inclusive Practice Specialists.

Our aim is to help organisations and individuals meet their corporate and social responsibilities by optimising inclusive practice to improve their business impact, attract and retain talented leaders, optimise client experiences and get the best from their employees.

We provide coaching, training, speaking and consultancy services in the UK and overseas. Our services are informed by over 40 years’ experience of working in corporate, education, healthcare and policy organisations, nationally and internationally.

Our Services

Consultancy Services

1-2-1 Executive Coaching

Group Coaching

Training and Development Programmes

Professional Speaking

“Lift As You Climb”​

LSL Leadership Training and Development Programmes

Our suite of training and development programmes are particularly focussed on working with women leaders and business owners to develop and deliver their own Leadership blueprint and optimising their mindset to improve their professional impact, leadership experiences and get the best from their work life.

Our programmes are suited for each stage of our clients’ leadership development journey from novice to seasoned professionals.

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Our Founder

Laura's Blog



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Knowing our story, owning it, gives us the strength to move towards our goals

the coaching acedmy in black and red with their logo in black white and red